Saying No To My Doctor - February 5th, 2019


I told my doctor no yesterday.

I told her no to a common and logical suggestion for a justifiable concern. The old me would’ve just done it because it’s what ya do, you listen to the experts. The thing is, I was immediately resistant to the idea when she proposed it. I had a few weeks to think on it and all the stories i’ve heard and read could’ve planted enough fear in me to sway my decision. It didn’t.

You see, late last Spring, after two years of running all the tests and trying all the things to add a baby to our family, I was told by multiple specialists that I had a less than 2% chance of getting pregnant unless I chose IVF. IVF wasn’t the path for me and I knew it in my gut. I said no to the doctors and in doing so said no to my husband and son. I said no to the most logical option at hand to growing our family.

I said no to solving the problem and instead said yes to my current wellbeing. I open mindedly said yes to all the things, new and old, that made Melanie feel good and whole on an emotional, spiritual, and physical level.

Today, well into my second trimester of pregnancy, I don’t have any guarantee that I made the right choice yesterday but I chose to go with my intuition.

It’s what got me here in the first place.

Old School Modern Mama,